First Fresh Water
Well Project for
Mindanti Village
In 2005 Mindanti Village in Chapanaga Southern Malawi had only one manual t-bar pumped well which serviced 1,000 persons. Photo to the right documents open pit in the dry riverbed dug by villagers to access ground water. This results in many water born diseases and unsafe drinking water.
In 2005-2007 Warm Heart International raised funds to install one well, windmill, pump and water tank at Mindanti Village to support 250 persons. See banner photo above which documents the installation. Photo bottom right is a maintenance training session at Mindanti.
Since 2005 Warm Heart International in collaboration with our Anglican Diocese of Southern Malawi partners have installed nine bore holes and fresh water wells — some facilitated with hand pumps and others with wind or solor assisted pumps. See map below for complete list, locations and dates of our water projects in Southern Malawi. Two more projects are funded and in the planning.